When you explore inner work, it's important to know about the person who will be facilitating your journey. Here is what I can tell you about Paula K. Bronte in this space and time:
I have served in the healing arts for over 20 years. I believe the love affair with my Spirit began in my early teens - shortly after witnessing the sudden death of my father. I was 12 years old at the time.
The Bachelors of Art from Brooklyn College, which I received at the young age of 20, taught me to see beyond the appearance of things. It has served me well.
I studied The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran, various meditation techniques, Silva Mind Control and much more. Needless to say, I was searching. That search took me into some deeply profound experiences and relationships.
I found my first spiritual home when I was in my mid-twenties with Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi. Her teaching is known as Sahaja Yoga, and I was blessed to have her as my guru and teacher. I lived in her ashrams for nearly 10 years, and I still honor all that I learned from her.
In 1997 I discovered Rapid Eye Technology (RET). It was during my fourth session, with Carol Tuttle as my facilitator, that I received a 'download.' I clearly understood that Rapid Eye was one of the things I came here to do in this life. Within six months, I left my six-figure job at Franklin Covey and began a private practice as a Master Rapid Eye Technician. It has been my path of joy and expansion ever since.
When I was 46, I joined the Peace Corps and while in the Amazon jungle wrote the book A Call To Mastery; Living the Art of Ascension.
I spent six years in the Seattle area of Washington working at Holistic Healing Arts. I was given the opportunity to work with a world re-knowned team of naturopathic doctors headed by Dr. Amy Derksen. I was on staff to work with the energetic and emotional side of things. RET played a key piece in the healing process of chronic disease such as Lyme and other autoimmune disorders.
In addition to holding a certificate as a Master Rapid Eye Technician since 1998, I am also certified in Complimentary Color Therapy, Thought Field Therapy, access consciousness, Neurokinesis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and other methodologies. I currently reside in Salt Lake City, Utah enjoying a private practice working with clients. RET allows me to remain a grateful witness to the strength and beauty of the human Spirit.

Your Life
The World
From a place of true joy and power?
Do something that works. RET works!
In the Blink of An Eye with Paula K. Bronte works!
How would it be to experience
A Call to Mastery
Are you ready to be a Spiritual Master? Is your soul longing to be the Divine Essence of who you truly are? A Call to Mastery is a journey of devotion that will open your heart and transform your mind. It offers clear, concise guidance as it gently leads you to the recognition of your own spiritual powers and the joys of everyday ascension. A Call to Mastery is a gateway to spiritual greatness and a practical guide to living it. This fascinating book offers easy processes and techniques to achieve a masterful state of peace, power and presence.
A Call to Mastery: Living the Art of Ascension is available on amazon.com
Diane Cocker
I enjoyed sharing Paula Bronte’s journey in A Call to Mastery, Living the Art of Ascension. The most sacred experience in Life is the expansion of one’s Light. May Paula’s honest and selfless sharing of her experiences and knowledge be found by those who desire to expand their Light, search to expand their Light and find guidance to a path that resonates with their level of consciousness. A Call to Mastery will make you want to better yourself and your life and therefore raise your world and the world.

Paula’s style of writing is dynamic and engaging, instantly conveying a message of endless possibilities. I feel hopeful and nourished by her reassuring words that mastery on all levels is obtainable in this lifetime.